
March 2025

Eyeglass Recycling Centers | Lions Clubs International

Eyeglass donation bin available locally in the Lehigh Valley ….

Whitehall Lions Club – Lions e-Clubhouse

February 2025

Many of you may have received a “free” Covid test version that interacted with an app on your phone, such as this one demonstrated in the photo.  They were shipped by the fulfillment vendor without the battery enclosed identifiers nor recycling instructions.  You’ll also find batteries in other home medical testers/devices such as glucose meters, pulse oximeters, and tympanic & forehead thermometers, etc.  Before disposing of the used or unused units, remember to remove the battery.  Lithium and other batteries can easily cause issues in our landfills and should always be recycled!

January 2025 – Where are electronics?

Electronic recycling isn’t just for TVs and Computers anymore. Today, electronics are in many things you find around you – appliances, tools, games, speakers, fans, lighting, heating, and many other household items.  It’s important to keep those items out of landfills as the components never break-down, and may leach harmful chemicals into the environment.  At GER Solutions, we’ll help you recycle those items!

October 2018

Why is it important to recycle Transmission Oil? 

Used oils such as engine lubrication oil, hydraulic fluids, and gear oils used in cars, bikes, or lawnmowers can pollute the environment if they are not recycled or disposed of properly. … Motor oil does not wear out—it just gets dirty—so recycling it saves a valuable resource.

For more information please visit:

September 2018

Why is recycling Cardboard important?

Using a recycled material, rather than a raw material conserves energy and natural resources and helps reduce pollution. Making the pulp used in cardboard creates sulfur dioxide, a gas that causes acid rain. Recycling cardboard cuts that pollution in half! 🙂

For more information please visit:

December 2017

Why recycle Anti-Freeze?

Antifreeze is considered hazardous waste since it contains high levels of heavy metals such as cadmium, lead and chromium. Antifreeze should always be handled properly and never dumped in the trash, down drains, open water or dumped onto land. Antifreeze can cause serious water problems and can harm pets, wildlife and people around the world, not to mention it is illegal to dump.  It is more cost effective to recycle antifreeze as recycled antifreeze is less expensive. Antifreeze should be handled on-site, by mobile service or off site.

For more information please visit:

September 2017

Why is it important to recycle batteries?

Batteries contain heavy metals such as mercury, lead, lithium, alkaline, nickel metal and cadmium. All batteries should be recycled accordingly.  Although they are not a threat when they are in use, they are extremely harmful to us and the environment when they are not disposed of correctly. Batteries that end up in landfills can leach into the ground causing soil and water pollution. Some states have passed a law that restricts people from throwing batteries into their household trash. In doing so it decreases causes of air pollution. Help our environment by taking your batteries to a recycling center!

GER Solutions, LLC accepts batteries for recycling. Please inquire within. For more information about batteries and how to dispose of them you can visit the following:

June 2017

Why is it important to recover Freon?

Refrigerant can be found in any appliance that is used to cool down such as refrigerators, dehumidifiers, freezers, air conditioners, etc. Many air conditioners and dehumidifiers contain a substance called hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) refrigerant. Most refrigerators and freezers that had been built before 1995 usually contain chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) refrigerant. Both CFC and HCFC are harmful to our world as they are ozone-depleting substances (ODS). Not handling refrigerant properly could result in health issues, air pollution and global climate change. It is important that we all are aware of the many affects that could result in not recycling and recover refrigerant.

You can find more information at and

December 2016

Why recycle paper?

There are many benefits when we recycle our paper. Some of those benefits include, but not limited to saving energy and water, space in landfills, save trees, wildlife preservation, cheaper paper (recycled paper) and less pollution.  Here are some key reasons why to start recycling paper.

  1. When we recycle paper we are saving trees. It has been reported that humans cut down about 15 billion trees per year (according to Trees do not only support human life on earth, they are also home to many animals around the world. Although it doesn’t seem like a big deal to cut down trees, we often do not think about how this can effect animals. Many animals around the global died after because they cannot find new homes and/or adapt back into the environment.
  2. The more products/material we buy as new means that we are causing more pollution to our environment and it also means that we are using more energy. When we recycle and reuse paper we are reducing pollution and conserving energy.
  3. Saving space in landfills is necessary because if we do not recycle more landfills will be created. We need to be absolutely careful as this effects.

There are many websites you can visit to learn more about recycling paper. A few of them are,,

September 2016

Why is it important to recycle Plastic?

Plastic is a versatile material and is very valuable in the recycling industry. Plastic can be recycled into many things that we quite often do not think about.  Things such as plastic cups, molding materials, grocery bags/trash bags/sandwich bags, garden products, plastic lumber, containers, films and among many more bottles. Although it is valuable and is made to create things we used daily, it also is extremely harmful to our environment and our animals around the world.

According to some reports, the United States recycles enough plastic to circle the earth’s surface four times. So why is this important and concerning? First, plastic can take hundreds of years before it breaks down in landfills. So it’s crucial that we recycle them properly. Secondly, most plastic usually ends up in our environment and in our bodies of water, where it poses a threat to polluting our water and soil. And last but not least, millions of animals/mammals die yearly.

To be a little more specific, it has been documented that 44% of all Seabirds, 22% of cetaceans, all species of Sea Turtles and a continuing list of different fish species have been found with plastic in and/or around their bodies. Not to mention, 1 million Seabirds and about 100,000 Marine life mammals are killed annually.

Although it does seem like such a simple task to recycle our plastic, we quite often are distracted by our daily lives to stop make sure we are recycling our plastics. So, there are some things we can do to prevent these types of recurring issues. Instead of buying water bottles, we can use refillable water bottles. Refillable soap and dish dispensers. Take your reusable grocery bag along when you plan to go shopping and for your morning coffee take along your travel mug.

For more information on recycling plastic you can go to

June 2016

Why is it so important to recycle tires?

It is important that we avoid having tires dumped into landfills. Not only does it consume space, but tires trap methane gases which causes the tire to bubble and in turn damages the landfill liners that has been installed to prevent contaminants polluting the surface and ground water.

Fires outbreaks can occur that can last weeks even months. It is crucial that we prevent this from happening since not only harmful chemicals are being released into the air, but millions of tax dollars go into extinguishing and cleaning up after the fire.

Tire piles and illegal dumping can also become a breeding ground for mosquitos and vermin. As we know mosquitos and vermin can carry disease that can be spread to humans.

There are many uses for recycled tires such as asphalt pavement, garden beds, durable swings, railroads beds, doormats, sandals, and crash barriers. Our health and environment problems can be reduced if we all take the time to recycle our tires properly.

Some of your local tire retailers will take tires for a small fee. You can also call your county’s office to get more information on where to recycle tires.

December 2015

Motor Oil is Recyclable and Reusable!

While many people take their cars to a garage or service center for their oil changes, some people prefer to change their cars’ oil themselves.   The only problem is that not everyone knows what to do with the used oil from your motor vehicle – car, truck, motorcycle, lawnmower, boat and/ or recreational vehicle. While motor oil is not considered a hazardous waste, it is a household waste such as paints, stains and varnishes which require special handling when the product is disposed of.

Motor oil should never been poured down storm drains, in sewers or thrown into the trash as it will cause environmental damage. According to the American Petroleum Institute ( it takes just 1 gallon of used oil to contaminate 1 million gallons of water!

Luckily motor oil can be recycled and reused. The used oil can be re-refined and used as a base or it can be burned as fuel. According to the American Petroleum Institute, if two gallons of used oil is recycled it can generate enough electricity to run a normal household for almost 24 hours. That makes it clear what the benefits are for recycling.

There are several locations throughout the Lehigh Valley where you can recycle your motor oil and oil filters including Pep Boys, Advanced Auto Parts and Auto Zone. As with anything else, please contact them or review the information on their websites before taking your motor oil products to these locations. In addition, make sure that you transport the used oil in a leak-proof container with a secure lid. This will prevent any oil from spilling on you, in your car or at the drop off location.

If these retailers are not in your area or will not accept oil in your area, Earth911 ( is a great resource to use in order to find another location. This website also has great information regarding the recycling of other products as well.

September 6, 2015

Why Recycling CRT televisions & Monitors is important

Recycling of CRT televisions and monitors is very important for all of us worldwide.  CRT glass contains large amounts of lead that can potentially leach into our land and water supplies. Preventing the unlawful dumping of crt glass will reduce the amount of lead in our natural resources.  The dangers of lead is very real and to the point.  Lead is known to cause the following symptoms and damage to the human body especially to our children.

Lower IQ–Behavior problems–growth problems–anemia–kidney damage–hearing loss

Recycling Crts by using a certified recycler will help reduce the amount of hazardous lead that goes into our precious environment.  Check out the web site   for more information on lead.

You can also recycle your unbroken tvs and monitors at GER Solutions, LLC for the following recycling fees.

$.50 per pound

projection tvs are a flat rate please call for pricing.

May 2015

Why Recycling Light Bulbs is Important

In today’s economy where every dollar counts, more and more people are turning to CFLs (compact fluorescent lightbulbs),rather than incandescent lightbulbs, as they use less electricity and can last several years before needing to be replaced.

While there are no health hazards or risks when the CFLs are working and intact; once they burn out (or are broken) they need to be properly handled. Throwing these bulbs in the trash is not a sound environmentaldecision as CFLs contain mercury, which is a poisonous heavy metal that can contaminate the environment. While CFLs contain roughly 4mg of mercury, this amount is large enough that it can cause environmental damage if the mercury is released in a landfill.By properly recycling your CFLs, you prevent the mercury escaping into the environment.

Luckily many of the retailers who sell CFLs also recycle them. For example, Home Depot and Ikea both have free lightbulb recycling programs. Before taking CFLs to these or any other location, please contact them to see if there are any restrictions regarding your lightbulbs.

There are numerous other lightbulbs that should be properly handled including standard fluorescent tubes found in office buildings, libraries, hospitals and so forth.   Like CFLs, these bulbs contain mercury and need to be recycled properly.   At GERSolutions LLC, we will take standard fluorescent light bulbs for a fee – please contact us at 484-866-0927 for pricing.

The EPA provides information about light bulb recycling, how to clean up a broken CFL and what to do with a CFL if there is not a location to recycle it: